The Rise of and Ctrip: A Look into the $1.09B Hong Kong Listing

The Rise of and Ctrip: A Look into the $1.09B Hong Kong Listing

In recent years, the travel industry has seen a significant shift towards online booking platforms. With the rise of technology and the increasing demand for convenience, more and more travelers are turning to online travel agencies (OTAs) to plan and book their trips. Two of the biggest players in this market are and Ctrip, both of which are owned by Chinese travel giant, International Ltd. In early April 2021, it was announced that and Ctrip would be listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with a combined valuation of $1.09B. This move is expected to further solidify their position as leaders in the online travel industry.

The History of Ctrip and

Ctrip was founded in 1999 by James Liang, Neil Shen, and Fan Min. The company started as a flight booking platform but quickly expanded to include hotel bookings, vacation packages, and other travel-related services. Today, Ctrip is one of the largest OTAs in the world, with a market capitalization of over $25B.

In 2017, Ctrip rebranded its international business as The move was aimed at better catering to the needs of non-Chinese travelers and expanding its global reach. offers a wide range of travel services, including flights, hotels, trains, car rentals, and tours.

The Hong Kong Listing

On April 6th, 2021, it was announced that and Ctrip would be listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The listing is expected to raise $1.09B, with accounting for $693M and Ctrip accounting for $399M. The move is seen as a strategic one for both companies, as it will allow them to tap into the growing demand for travel in the Asia-Pacific region and expand their global footprint.

The Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the travel industry, with many companies struggling to stay afloat. However, and Ctrip have managed to weather the storm better than most. In the first quarter of 2021, reported a net loss of $24M, which was significantly lower than the $754M loss reported in the same period in 2020. Similarly, Ctrip reported a net loss of $174M in the first quarter of 2021, compared to a net loss of $1.4B in the same period in 2020.

The pandemic has also led to a shift in consumer behavior, with more people opting for domestic travel and shorter trips. and Ctrip have been quick to adapt to these changes, offering more domestic travel options and promoting shorter trips.

The Future of and Ctrip

The Hong Kong listing is expected to provide and Ctrip with the capital they need to continue their expansion plans. Both companies have expressed a desire to further expand their global reach and offer more travel-related services. In addition, they are looking to capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable travel options and are exploring ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the future looks bright for and Ctrip. With their strong brand recognition, extensive network of partners, and commitment to innovation, they are well-positioned to continue leading the online travel industry for years to come.


The listing of and Ctrip on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is a significant milestone for both companies. It not only provides them with the capital they need to continue their expansion plans but also solidifies their position as leaders in the online travel industry. With their commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, and Ctrip are well-positioned to continue thriving in the years ahead.


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